Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Super Pecker

Beanie babies...Cheese loves them! So much so that I am pretty sure we have every beanie in existence in our basement in their playroom. (Well we did until the lassholes struck and I left them in the black bags of doom as they got marched to the dumpsters on garbage day! It was a bit like the plague only worse because it was lassholes, the things that happen and toys are decimated.)

We have one named Eggbert, or so his tag says. It's a sweet little chick popping out of an egg.

He remained Eggbert for a long time because she was very small when Grandma B decided we needed all of her beanies on top of the mountains we already had. Then one day, Monster was here playing with Cheese. (Monster is Cheese's BFF) They were playing stuffed animals in the playroom when Cheese runs up the stairs 2 at a time, proclaiming she FINALLY had a name for the lonely chick in an egg...Super Pecker.

Yep, Super Pecker ~ "cause his beak is so strong and that makes him super cause he pecked his way out of the egg."

 The more we told her she could come up with a better name the more she fought for Super Pecker. She could be a lawyer because when she decides she wants something she goes after it. So Super Pecker it is. We now have a beanie baby that seems as if it should be something from an adult catalog. 

It's a bird, It's a plane....IT'S SUPER PECKER.

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