Wednesday, March 21, 2012

My tooshie is squishy

Cheese is so many things, and musically inclined is one of them. She likes to make up her songs, march to her own beat and she is pretty good at it. There are always songs being made up in our house so it's nothing new to me, like the other day when she was trying to entertain the Bird she was singing "Don't.. go... slow... like... a... turtle" and it was sung very slowly. Then the second line was "Go fast like a rabbit!!!!!!" and it was sung very quickly. Keep in mind the 20's style stage show that was happening with this. *View from the side with a train like motion to the beat of her song. VERY interesting.* It is just natural to hear things of this nature in our house.

What's NOT natural is her ability to pull these from her rear end at any given moment. She showered the other night, and by showered, I mean ran through 50 gallons of hot water before deciding it was everyone else's turn to shower. I sent her to her room wrapped in a towel still dripping water and told her I would follow suite and be there shortly.

I start down the hall and here one of her jazzy tunes emanating from her bedroom. Upon arrival to her doorway I hear,

"I like my toooooshie! I like my tooshie, caaause it's squiiiishy! I like my toooooshie! I like my tooshie cause it's big and round!"

I peek around the corner and there is naked Cheese jumping up and down on her bed, shaking her head like a wet dog, flinging water over everything. She stops, looks me in the face and then immediately begins bouncing again. Her song starts over, only this time we have added lyrics...

"I like my toooooshie! I like my tooshie, caaause it's squiiiishy! I like my toooooshie! I like my tooshie cause it's big and round! I like my tooooshie cause it's squishy! I like my tooshie and!"

So apparently, we both like her tooshie, cause it's squishy. Awesome.

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