Christmas Eve 2011 marked one year since the invasion of Lassholes. Actually it was lice.
12-24-10 ~ I was getting the kids ready for my parents to take them to their great grandparent's house for Christmas while we finished up some stuff around the house for dinner that night. I was parting her hair to get it pulled up into a side do when I see little black things crawling around in her head. Yep...lice. I break the news to her that she can't go to papa's house because she has bugs in her hair. This was my worst nightmare, a girl with longish (shoulder length) hair getting lice. It had been a nightmare the year before when her brother came home with them and his head is shaved.
For hours Cheese sat holding a coveted present from under the tree while my mom treated her head. I couldn't because I was pregnant with her baby sister at the time. We were able to enjoy our family dinner that night after sweet Cheese had sat for almost 6 hours having her hair picked over like a monkey looking for bugs. We stripped ALL of the beds in the house, threw away pillows, washed blankets and favorite lovies on sanitary, bagged up tons and tons and tons of stuffed animals and as we are throwing the last bits away and spraying everything down with a listerine/water mix (works 10x better than the "home spray" in the lice kit) Cheese looks at me very seriously, and with her best big girl voice says "I cannot believe I got LASSHOLES for Christmas!"
Merry Lice-mas to all and to all a goodnight, Lassholes.
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