My daughter Brianna, affectionately known as Cheese, is my oldest daughter. She is everything you would want in a child and more...
She is beautiful, with big blue piercing eyes that can reach the far depths of your soul. She has a hot pink highlight in her dirty blonde hair, and she has Cleopatra bangs - just straight across. She is artistic, always carrying a pad around so she can draw things, and a writer, she writes me little stories all the time. She is a dancer, athletic in so many ways, she is a girl scout, she is kind, caring and sensitive when she wants to be. She is also a sometimes biter and she has a mouth like a sailor (that's 'and more' part of her). She is also six and half years old.
Some of the best laughs in my life have come from this child. There are so many things I wish I had written down over the last 6 years but failed to do so. So many times I rack my brain trying to remember what made me go into hysterics. This is where I am going to write them down. This is where you can read what is said to me and say "HOLY SHIT" because there are so many days that I think the same thing.
I want to take a moment and welcome you to my world...the world of a six year old dropping the F bomb. The kid who's first sentence was "Dammit Kaden!" (Kaden is her big brother.) I hope you enjoy the ride, as much as I have and will.
Welcome to my life with Cheese.
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